Quality Teachers

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By July 23, 2012 No Comments

Curt Rock, an elementary teacher in Foley Public Schools who serves on the Minnesota Teacher Evaluation Working Group, is providing regular updates on the progress for MREA. The Working Group is charged with developing a new evaluation system for Minnesota teachers, as mandated by the legislature as part of a law passed during the 2011 special session.

The group, which meets again July 30, continues to discuss a four-part grading scale and recently identified these categories: exemplary, proficient or effective, developing and unsatisfactory or ineffective. The group has spent extensive time discussing the applications of each category and various scenarios based on the three-year cycle and a wide range of district sizes. The group aims to create a model that is thorough in its direction and allows districts to tailor it as they see fit. Get more information and view the documents from the Minnesota Department of Education.

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