MREA Member MSU Moorehead recently redesigned their School Psychology program to make it more accessible and flexible for potential students. In particular they have a “Grow your Own” remote option that might be a good way for a rural district or Cooperative to have a school psychologist who is invested in staying in that community.

Details on the new program are outlined below, but if you have any questions, connect with Dr. Lisa Stewart at

“Grow Your Own” School Psychologist

Who is a good “grow your own” candidate?
  1. Meets MSUM graduate application requirements:
    • No specific major for undergraduate degree
    • 12 credits of psychology with one developmental psychology course and one statistics course (stats may be from another department)
    • 0 GPA or at least 3.25 GPA for last 30 credits of coursework
    • Submit all other application materials requested (letter of intent, resume, etc.)
    • GRE not required, but will be considered if candidate provides it
  1. Works well with children and adults, passionate, and is a self-starter
  2. Good math, oral and written language skills
  3. Dedicated to a rigorous 3 to 4 year program
  4. Wants to stay in particular location and work for several years
What does MSU Moorhead’s program look like?
  1. Two degree program—Master’s and Specialist’s degree
  2. Choice of Track: 2-year + internship (10-12 credits per semester and 100 hours of practicum) or 3-year + internship (6-8 credits per semester and practicum)
  3. Choice of Learning Format: Entirely online with 3-5 summer days on campus created to accommodate “grow your own” students or In-person classes on campus
  1. Courses begin Summer 2022 (Psy 620 Measurement & Psy 575 Applied Behavior Analysis). During school year-classes will run 1-2 afternoons/evenings (synchronous) per week.
  2. Capacity is 12-16 candidates (4 -6 grow your own online and 10-12 in person)
  3. We are excited to have this opportunity for District “grow your own” candidates.  MSUM faculty will work with the District and the Applicant throughout the process.
Upcoming 2021 Open Forum Sessions: 

Contact us anytime if you have questions or want to discuss a “grow your own” candidate.  We also have two Open Forums scheduled so you can attend those or spread the word to others who might be interested.

Wednesday, October 13th,  4:30-5:30 p.m. CST

Wednesday, November 10th,  4:30-5:30 p.m. CST

Faculty Contacts:

Dr. Lisa Stewart, Program Director (320) 266-6266 email:

Dr. Mary Dosch: (701) 212-8552

Dr.  Peg Potter: (701) 318-1626