The 2013 MREA Conference is your chance to share an effective practice that you are using to provide high quality rural education and help MREA’s member districts improve the education of children across Minnesota. You will help MREA put children first, and increase educational quality and collaboration among teachers, administrators and board members statewide. Proposals must be received no later than Monday, April 22, 2013. Selected presenters will receive a confirmation email no later than May 15, 2013. Submit a proposal.
Breakout sessions are 45 minutes in length on Monday Nov 18, mid to late morning and early afternoon. MREA members are particularly interested in effective practices in the following areas.
- BYOT: Bringing Your Own Technology is a growing trend. If you have experience with this and have implemented policies and practices, MREA members want to know what is working for you and your students. How is BYOT working in the classroom? In the building? For the district IT network? At the board and superintendent level on policy development? and How and why BYOT as a policy and practice was chosen as an IT learning strategy in your district.
- Trends in technology and learning: What technology is your district or school finding effective with your students. Is it one-to-one? Wi-fi on busses? Learning Management Systems? Interactive White Boards? Social Media for communicating with parents? Sites and apps that really drive students understanding of curriculum concepts? MREA members want to know what is working for you and your students.
- Policies and practices that promote early learning (preK and K): Research has shown that high quality early childhood learning especially for at-risk learners is very effective. What has your district found to be parts of effective early childhood learning. Collaborative Planning? Outreach to parents? Outreach and continuing education to child care providers? Scholarships to low income families? Rating systems? Aligned curriculum with benchmark assessments? MREA members want to know what is working for you and your students.
- Policies and practices that promote greater post-secondary enrollment and completion: Many studies point out that students need some form of post-secondary education whether a certificate, a two year or four year degree to be a productive member of Minnesota’s 21 Century work force. Both from the K-12 and post-secondary perspective, what have you found effective in your district to increase your students’ post-secondary enrollment and hopefully completion? MREA members want to know what is working for you and your students.
- Other compelling practices that promote high quality rural education: MREA members want to know what is working for you and your students. So if you have something that is working at the classroom, building, district or regional level from which other members can learn and improve their students’ education, please let us know and present at the 2013 conference.
General information regarding MREA and presenting at the MREA Annual Conference:
- MREA has 160 member districts serving 140,000 rural students.
- MREA sends 1700+ recipients a bi-weekly email update that promotes the conference.
- MREA promotes the annual conference on its website and marketing materials.
- Presenters will receive a choice of
- Free conference registration for Monday only including lunch, or
- Registration for the entire conference (Sunday evening through Tuesday morning) for $100, which is a substantial savings for members and non-members.
- Presenters are responsible for their travel and hotel accommodations.
- Presenters will be responsible for providing their own handouts (Recommended: 40)
- Presenters must provide their own computer, LCD projector, and any other technological equipment needed. Cragun’s will provide a speaker’s table with electrical, a projection screen, and wireless internet.
- Selected presenters must submit no later than June 14, 2013 program information including presenter bios, photos, set-up requirements, and whether a morning or afternoon presentation time is preferred.