MDH Issues Updated Summer School Guidance
Today, the Minnesota Department of Health announced new guidance that provides health recommendations for pre-K through grade 12 schools.
Schools that have not completed the 2020-21 learning year must continue to comply with the requirements in the Safe Learning Plan through the last teacher contact day of the 2020-21 school year. The Safe Learning Plan no longer applies after the last teacher contact day of the 2020-2021 school year, or after June 13, 2021 for yearround schools.
Federal and state legislation that stands no matter the date:
- Face coverings will continue to be required on all public transportation vehicles, including school buses.
- Minnesota law requires institutions, schools, childcare facilities or camps to report COVID-19 positive cases to MDH.
- All businesses and entities (including schools) must follow the COVID-19 Universal Guidance for All Businesses and Entities until June 30, 2021 or until 70% of Minnesotans ages 16+ have at least one vaccine dose.
Further, the plan outlines recommendations for limiting the spread of COVID-19 in schools. These methods are strongly encouraged but not required by law. This includes familiar mitigation strategies like face coverings, social distancing, sanitation and hygiene practices, and other strategies that have been required since the start of the pandemic.
The abreviated version of the report can be found here: COVID-19 Prevention Guidance for Summer School: Executive Summary.
Read the full report: COVID-19 Prevention Guidance for Summer School.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, this summer school guidance will be updated based on state and national recommendations.